If you receive the following error when running a report you must upgrade to the latest version of Crystal Reports.
*If you are receiving a different error to the one above please refer to this article to set your default printer to a full-size printer.
How to Change your Windows Default Printer
Steps to upgrade Crystal Reports
1. Please make sure you are running the latest version of AmberPOS. If you haven't recently received an upgrade please contact our support line to get the latest version.
2. Close AmberPOS
3. Navigate to your control panel and select 'Uninstall a program'.
4. From here find 'SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework'. Select it and click the 'Uninstall' button or right click on it and select 'Uninstall'.
Select 'Yes' if this confirmation window appears.
5. After the uninstall is complete, open AmberPOS and it will automatically install the latest version of Crystal Reports.
If the issue persists after reviewing the above information then contact the AmberPOS Support line to have someone look into the error.