To print and export mailing lists, mailing labels and envelopes as well as customer lists, first:
1. Login to AmberPOS and access the Customers menu.
2. Click on located near the top right of the customers screen and then select the Print/Export option located from the drop down menu.
3. Upon selecting this button, a Print/Export window will be displayed. Within the Print/Export window you will see three separate boxes; they will be labeled as;
1. Choose Customers
2. Print/Export Compiled List
3. Print Mailing Label/Envelope
4. Select Export List
5. A save window will appear, type in the desired name of the export file near the bottom of the window, then select Save.
6. A window prompt will then appear asking you whether you wish to include Notes and Attributes in your export.
(May take a long time to export)
When you have selected Yes or No to the "Notes and Attributes" export, after a few minutes your completed export will appear in the desired save location.
Related Articles:
Printing and Exporting Vendor Lists
Article written with AmberPOS version