Printing Mailing Labels

Labels for mailing / shipping can be printed from the customer screen. Select Customers from the menu bar to get to the customer window. If you are printing a label for just one customer, select the customer from the list, otherwise you can leave it with the default customer. Press the more_button_2.png button. A menu will popup at the button location, select Print / Export from the list of options.




The Print / Export window has two sections used for printing mailing labels.



1. Choose the customer(s) whose labels you will be printing. Your options are:

This Customer Only: Only the currently selected customer

All Mail Subscribers: All customers with the "Mail Subscriber" option selected in their customer information

Selective: Allows you to use the build_query_button.png button to build a query and create a custom selection of customers


2. Select options for printing. Select your printer, label type, and the order in which they will be printed. Use the label_designer_button.jpg button to create a new label template. Check the Shipping Address box if you are printing labels for your customers' shipping addresses, rather than home addresses (if different). Press print_label_envelope_button.png to print.


Article written with AmberPOS version


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