**Templates only work from the Customer screen by pressing the the bottom far right Email button.** Templates do not work from transaction or report email buttons.
1. Download the customer mail template file here.
2. Your example template should appear like the image below. You can revise the message as needed with helpful keywords.
**Keywords can represent any field in the AmberPOS customer details screen that will pull information from AmberPOS into your email using a template. Here is a list of some useful keywords**
3. When you have the template edited to your specifications, Save the file. The name of the file must start with "emailtemplate_" and the file type must be ".htm". The example template is called "emailtemplate_customers.htm". not html
4. Navigate to the "emailtemplate_" file you saved using explorer, right click on it and select Copy.
5. Now find the path where your AmberPOS program is located. It should be under your Program Files in your Pacific Amber folder called AmberPOS. Right click and Paste the "emailtemplate_" file into this location. Select Continue if your computer prompts you.
6. Login to AmberPOS and access the Customers menu.
7. Navigate to the customer you would like to send an email and select the Email button. It will bring up your templates in a menu, click on it to open it in your mail program.
1. Select the customer you would like to send an email to
2. Click on the Email Button
**If the template is not found by AmberPOS it will give you an error message as seen below, click OK and ensure your file is saved in the right location with the file name starting with "EmailTemplate_" **
*** Make sure your file is saved ending in htm NOT html as this will not function properly for customer receipt emailing. ***
**Optional** If you have not already set up a default email program in AmberPOS it may prompt you to select which to use. To set up your default email navigate to the Setup menu and select the tab for Printers and Local Settings. You can then select your default email program from the dropdown menu.
8. A new email will be created addressed to the selected customer. Based on the template, customer details will populate into the email as well. Using the example template provided this is what you would expect to see from a sample customer.
If you update the htm file's name to include the value '[Subject]Membership Confirmation' then the customer's email's subject will be titled 'Membership Confirmation'