Creating and Using Sub-Customers

Guide on how to Create and Use Sub Customers

Sub-customers are useful for situations where you have a business with multiple contacts which you want to keep track of. The business itself will have its main contact information, but also numerous other contacts. As your customer list builds up with contacts from this business, your list may become long. To quickly find the main business contact information, you can hide all of its sub contacts by first designating them as sub-customers and selecting an option to hide them.

 1. Login to AmberPOS and access the Customers menu.


 2. Creating a sub-customer:


      Step 1: Select a customer in your list. 

      Step 2: Select the Sub Customer check box and make sure it is ticked. 

      Step 3: Select Save to finalize the change. 


3. Now you can use the Hide sub-customers in the reporting screen located here:




4. Simply select the checkbox beside Hide Sub-Customers to hide them. Deselect the checkbox to show them in your customer list again. You can also view reports by sub-customers. 



Article written with AmberPOS version


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