Before you begin counting inventory with a handheld scanner, you must first upload your SKU list in order for the machine to recognize the SKUs you are scanning and associate the numbers with your product descriptions.
1. To upload your Skulist to any inventory count terminal scanner, first Login to AmberPOS and access the inventory menu.
2. Overview of Inventory Count:
Step 1: Select the tab near the top of the screen.
Step 2: Ensure that the tab is selected below the inventory count tab.
Related Steps:
**If you have not already done so, generate an inventory snapshot. (see: Generating Inventory Snapshots)**
**If you have not already done so, create a Batch with the ID of your choice. (see: Creating Batches)**
**Ensure that your Terminal Scanner is plugged into your computer and ActiveSync is enabled**
Step 3: Select to export your Skulist to your terminal scanner.
3. Select from the window that appears.
If you attempt to communicate to the scanner you may receive the following error messages.
These error messages occur as there is a conflict with the portable devices in Windows. To help correct this you can open the device manager and remove all other devices besides your own.
You should have better success when attempting to upload the file after uninstalling these listed devices.
4. You should receive the image shown below.
5. The next Optional step is to upload the newest version of AmberCount onto your inventory scanner. Select Yes to continue with this action and it will create a second AmberCount icon on your scanner homescreen that leads to the newest version of AmberCount.
If you cannot upload the sku list to the scanner you can also manually transfer the skulist.txt file to the scanner device. Click on the button to generate the needed file in the sub folder "Count" in the AmberPOS software folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Pacific Amber\AmberPOS\Count).
Using the file explorer navigate to the file location and copy the skulist.txt file directly onto the connected inventory scanner device.
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