Creating a Tag SKU

 When you set a SKU as a tag SKU in another item's attribute, then when the other item is added to a sale, the tag SKU will automatically be added as well. 


1. First you will have to create the tag attribute from the setup menu. Access the Setup menu, select the general_settings_tab.png tab, then select the Attribute tab. 



2. Create a new attribute using the attributes box.


Use the Attributes dropdown menu and select "Sku". Enter "Tag Sku" into the Name field. In the Format field select "Text". Press add_new_attribute.png once you have entered the information.


3. Once the tag SKU attribute is set up, navigate to the inventory window by selecting inventory.png from the menu, and then making sure the skus_tab.png tab is selected.



4. Now select the item with whom you want your second tagged item to be associated. Input the second item's SKU into the Tag SKU field, which you have just created.


As an example, I have tagged SKU 1073 (a printer cable) in the information for SKU 1074 (a printer). Now whenever the printer item is added to a sale, the printer cable will also be automatically added. If the printer cable is added to a sale by itself, the printer will NOT be automatically added unless it is also tagged in the cable's information settings. If the customer does not want to purchase the cable, it can be removed from the sale window  before completing the transaction.


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