1. Login to AmberPOS and access the Reports Menu.
2. Click the next to Special Reports to access the Reports for Consignment.
Step 1: Click Consignment Report to select it.
Step 2: Select Build Query to open the query builder and specify how to report your consignment transactions.
3. Overview of Consignment Query Builder
**The example shown in this query will be to report all the sales made by one particular customer (member ID).**
Step 1: Select Member ID from the list.
Step 2: Select the = value (select different value to view multiple/different combinations of member ID's transaction histories)
Step 3: Type in the Member ID number to track the particular Consignment Transaction history of the customer associated with the ID.
Step 4: Select Add >> to add it to your query.
Step 5: Once it is added, it will now appear in this location.
Step 6: Select Done to finalize the query.
4. Select Preview Report to view the consignment transaction history of the specified Member ID (Customer).
5. A report should appear to show what you specified in the query.