Importing Webstore Transactions to AmberPOS

**Note** Only for AmberPOS Webstore Integration 2.0, does not work with earlier versions.


Part 1: Setup

Prior to importing transactions, you must first complete the following:

1. Create a vendor called "Inhouse" or choose an existing vendor to assign webstore skus to.

2. Create a Department called "Services" or choose an existing Department to assign webstore skus to.

3. Create the follow SKUs:

     - "Shipping" This imports shipping information from the webstore. 

     - "Webcoupon" This imports any coupons from the webstore. 

     - "WebCredit" This will import credit from the webstore. 

     - "WebDiscount" This will import discounts from the webstore. 

     - "WebGiftCert" Used for importing web gift certificates from the webstore. The value of the gift certificate will be applied automatically during import.

     - "GiftCertificate" Used for importing gift certificates from the webstore. The value of the gift certificate will be applied automatically during import.

     - "OldSku" If the item has no SKU number online, then AmberPOS will import it based on the old SKU the item used to have. 

     - "Wrapping" If the item has been gift wrapped in Bigcommerce, it will add this sku to the transaction.


 Part 2: Importing


1. To import a webstore transaction, first open AmberPos and login with your username and password. Then access the POS menu.


2. Select any customer (Customer chosen will not affect the transactions being imported) and at the POS screen select the Web Store Management option, or press Shift-F2 on your keyboard. 



3. Overview of Online Store Transactions:


      Step 1: Select the transaction(s) to import from the web in the list.

      Step 2: Select the green Import Transactions option.


4. A window prompt will appear to notify you that the import was successful.



5. To see your Invoiced, Refunded, Canceled or Awaiting orders, simply check or un-check the boxes relevant in the top half of the screen.



6. When showing imported orders, select an imported order, and now you can Print Invoice for them or Print Packing Slip in the bottom half of the screen.



7. Select the Validate option if you would like to check all your transactions before import to locate any discrepancies or check to make sure that all the information matches between the web-store and your local store. The results will appear in the Validation Message column on the far right. (You may have to scroll).




8. Select the Invoice on Order Date check-box to import selected transactions on their order date. Day End(s) for particular day(s) need to be re-saved. 



Two other important functions that have been added to this window are:


  1. NF to OLDSKU: Can be used with SKU Not Found error to force sale through. This will put the sale for the missing item under a SKU in AmberPOS called OLDSKU.
  2. Force Web Tax: This allows you to override the tax settings in Amber and force a sale through with the tax that was charged on the web. Before using this function ensure your taxes are properly setup on BigCommerce.


 Article written with AmberPOS version



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