Setting Up an Account and eStore with Bigcommerce


- Remember to set timezone to local timezone

- You will not be able to use a webstore in AmberPOS until an Amber employee sets up a new store (webstore) in your AmberPOS system first.

- To login to your Big Commerce account place /admin on the end of the URL in conjunction with the password. 


1. Click on this link to go to BigCommerce.


2. Click on the link shown below.



3.  Fill in your e-mail address.



4. Fill in your account information that you wish to use for your BigCommerce account that will be created. Then select the Create my store option at the bottom when you have finished filling in the fields.




5. Wait for your store to be created. Time may vary and can take several minutes.  Once created you can then navigate through BigCommerce and learn how to manage your online storefront.




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