Importing and exporting Images from/to Bigcommerce


// This is the relation of the sku image field in AmberPOS and the primary image of the item it is linked to on Bigcommerce.  For more information about managing dimensional images see the article HERE.


In-order to Import/Export Images from Bigcommerce we must first access the Mass Export Form.



For more information about the Mass Export Form please see the article HERE.

Import images from Bigcommerce:

Once we have opened the mass export form, find and select the sku or skus you want to import the primary image from Bigcommerce.  To group-select items hold down the 'Shift' key on your keyboard and to spot-select hold down the 'Ctrl' key on the keyboard.

You will want to right-click on what you selected, and then choose the option "Download Images From Web To Amber" from the options that appear.



Export images to Bigcommerce:


Enable the switch "U/L Image" found on the bottom of the window.  With the switch enabled, when you upload item data for selected items onto Bigcommerce it will push the AmberPOS image for the sku additionally to be the primary image for the item online.




Article written with AmberPOS version



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