A feature is available to mass edit your products on Bigcommerce for their Category, Brand and Image associations. To do this first navigate to the section and select the Tab. Click on and then choose the option .
A window will appear which displays details and features for AmberPOS inventory to integrate with Bigcommerce. When this window finishes loading click on the tab. This will display for you additional tabs where you can choose to edit the Categories, Brands or Images. Note that this will only appear if you are logged into the software as an Administrator.
Click on the Categories tab to select to assign categories to SKUs that exist on Bigcommerce. Check the boxes of the categories to be assigned to SKUs. Highlight the SKUs of the items that you want to associate these categories to. When you right click on these selected items you will be presented with Options about how to modify categories.
a. Choose this option to add the selected categories to the existing categories assigned to these highlighted SKU(s).
b. Choose this option to replace the existing categories assigned to the highlighted SKU(s) with the checked categories
c. This option removes the SKU online. Choose this if you don't want the item online and want that to be tracked through AmberPOS and Bigcommerce integration.
Click on the Brands tab to select to assign Brands to SKUs that exist on Bigcommerce. Check the box of the Brand to be assigned to SKUs. Highlight the SKUs of the items that you want to associate this brand to. When you right click on these selected items you will be presented with Options about how to modify brands.
a. Choose this option to add or replace the selected brand with the highlighted SKU(s). Each product can only be assigned to one brand at a time.
b. This option removes the SKU online. Choose this if you don't want the item online and want that to be tracked through AmberPOS and Bigcommerce integration.
Click on the Images tab to select to assign Images to SKUs that exist on Bigcommerce. Check the boxes of the Images to be assigned to SKUs. Highlight the SKUs of the items that you want to associate these images to. When you right click on these selected items you will be presented with Options about how to modify Images.
a. Choose this option to add the selected images to the existing images assigned to these highlighted SKU(s).
b. Choose this option to replace the existing images assigned to the highlighted SKU(s) with the checked images.
c. This option removes the SKU online. Choose this if you don't want the item online and want that to be tracked through AmberPOS and Bigcommerce integration.
Article Updated with AmberPOS version