Login to AmberPOS and access The Inventory Screen.
Step 1: Select the Import Skus button
Step 2: From the drop down menu, select BigCommerce
Click on the check-box in the top right-hand corner titled "Display Discrepancy Details" to reveal additional columns of information about synchronization discrepancies.
Each cell value can be assigned one of the values:
S - Synchronized (Green)
N - Not Synchronized (Red)
An explanation of each column header abbreviation:
/ / Many of these discrepancies may be intentional and don't have to be synchronizing the same values between AmberPOS and Bigcommerce.
- N - Name Discrepancies -- If you intend to have the same values then check your websync configurations and re-upload the item to push the AmberPOS value online.
- NS - Name Discrepancies: SKU value is added to the end of the item's name to make name unique -- Name values are the same though different due to the sku being added to the items name for uniqueness support.
- IV - Item Variation Discrepancies -- The item option variation structure isn't matching and needs to be for proper product variation updates. Attempt to update the LC database and re-upload the item from AmberPOS.
- B - Brand Discrepancies -- To correct re-upload the item information from AmberPOS.
- Q - QOH Discrepancies -- Could be mismatching due to web sync not being enabled or intentionally different levels. To correct when intended to be matching, re-upload item information form AmberPOS.
- QP - QOH Discrepancies: pending web orders -- Item quantities will be matching once webstore transactions are imported. Webstore transactions will subtract QOH from AmberPOS once imported.
- QN - QOH Discrepancies: negative value in AmberPOS -- Bigcommerce doesn't accept negative QOH so if you have an inventory item sold into the negatives they will need to be corrected to synchronize levels correctly.
- P - Price Discrepancies -- To correct re-upload the item information from AmberPOS.
Article written with AmberPOS version