Updating the LC Database

The LC Database is a local copy of Bigcommerce data for General Resources, Items, Customers and Orders.  This is stored locally on AmberPOS to streamline the integration process so information can be updated and represented faster without having to be pulled manually from Bigcommerce every time AmberPOS is opened.  Some circumstances may occur where the information populated to the LC database properly and data conflictions can occur causing errors while uploading inventory items online.  When this occurs we will want to update the LC database.


1.  First open the mass export window as shown in the image below.  If you have a newer version of the software it may say ‘Bigcommerce’ for the option.



 2.  When the mass export form opens and finishes loading go to “Setup” up at the top of the screen, and then ensure you have selected “LC Configuratons” though it mostly likely will be by default.





// Before updating portions of the LC database you will want to first disable the 'Web Sync' and 'LC Background Update' process so it doesn't try to update while pulling data in bulk.  To understand how to enable or disable these processes see the article HERE.


3.  Perform the updates in the sequence listed below:



 a.  Click on the “Full Update” check-box next to the green button that says “Update General Resources”.  Then click on the 3.PNG button. 


This may take some time to load. 


 b.  Click on the “Full Update” check-box next to the green button that says “Update Items”.  Then click on the 6.PNG button.


This may take some time to load.  


 c.  Click on the “Full Update” check-box next to the green button that says “Update Customers”.  Then click on the 7.PNG button.


This may take some time to load.  


 d.  Click on the “Full Update” check-box next to the green button that says “Update Orders”.  Then click on the 8.PNG button.


This may take some time to load.  


Now that the local resources have been updated you can enable the 'Web Sync' and 'LC Background Update'.


Attempt performing the task you had issues with previously and if the error persists contact the AmberPOS support team to investigate.



Article Updated with AmberPOS version


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