Setting Up Item Status Types for the Recall Transaction Screen

Other than the default OnHold and OnSpecialOrder  item status types that are located in the new Recall Transaction Details screen, you can also add new item status types that are specifically called what you want. For example, you can create a status type called "Pick Up" that could designate an item is ready to pickup after being on special order. You can set these new item status types in the Setup menu under the Stores and then Others tab, or simply follow the guide below.

To see how the new recall transaction screen functions first, see the New Recall Transaction Functions guide.


1. Login to AmberPOS and access the Setup menu.


2. Overview of the Setup menu:


      Step 1: Select the Stores tab.

      Step 2: Select the correct store to change your settings for.

      Step 3: Select the Others tab in the bottom half of the screen.

      Step 4: Locate ID 029 called "Advanced Layaway", then select the checkbox that will turn it on.

      Step 5: Select Save Store to complete the setup.


3. Restart AmberPOS for the changes to take effect.



4. Repeat steps 1-3 to access the Others tab again under the Setup menu.


5. Select the Transaction Item Status Setup option.



6. Overview of the Transaction Item Status Setup window:


      Step 1: The location of your created transaction item statuses.

      Step 2: Under the Status field, type in the name you want to give your new item status type.

      Step 3: The next field called Slip Header is to designate the header (or title) name to appear on the work order (similar to invoice) that would be kept by the retailer and/or given to the customer. 

      Step 4: The Slip Terms field is for displaying any text that you want to appear in the terms section at the bottom of the same work order as step 2.

      Step 5: **Requires you to enable the switch ID 052 to work** The optional Auto Transfer function will prompt you during a status change to automatically transfer quantity between different store locations. For example, if an invoice is issued at one store for a layaway, but that layaway is completed at another store location, the auto transfer function will automatically transfer the quantity to the store with the pick up occurring.

      Step 6: The optional Payment Required function will prompt you during a status change if a layaway has not been fully paid off first, and will display the remaining balance required on the layaway.

      Step 7: Select Save to save the changes made above. Your new item status created should appear on the left-hand column under the column titled Status.


7. If you wish to add another status type, then simply select the  AddNewButton.png  option located at the bottom of the screen and repeat the process above.


Article written with AmberPOS version


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