You can cancel gift cards and certificates using the Gift Card / Certificate menu.
First, Access the POS menu. Next, select the customer to whom you wish to issue the card/certificate and the Customer screen will pop up.
From the Customer screen press the [F12] Miscellaneous key on the bottom menu bar to bring up the Miscellaneous tab on the right hand side. Alternatively you can press F12. Next, select from the right side menu to bring up the Gift Card / Certificate window, or press shift-F12.
Use the controls in the middle of the gift card window to select and cancel your card or certificate.
1. Type or scan the serial number from your card / certificate into the Serial # field, or select it from the list of all your issued cards.
2. With the card or certificate selected, press the button, which will bring up a transaction window allowing you to pay out the remaining balance to the customer. After payment, the card / certificate will display as cancelled and can no longer be used or refilled.
In order to deactivate a gift card, but leave it able to be refilled in the future, you must zero out the balance without cancelling it. This is also required for cancelling a promotional card or certificate.
As before, select the card you wish to cancel from the list, scan the code on the card, or type in the serial # manually. The current balance on the card will be displayed in the Current Balance field. Simply enter a negative version of this amount into the Refill Amount field and hit .
The payment window will pop up, allowing you to pay out the remaining balance, (see: processing payments) unless the gift card was promotional, in which case it will simply be left with a zero balance. Cards deactivated in this method can be refilled and reused at a future date.
Revised 25/03/2014