A quotation allows for you to create a quote for the customer without making a sale. This quote will act as an invoice and provide the customer and yourself with information on what product(s) the customer desires to purchase.
To make a quotation transaction:
1. Login to AmberPOS and access the POS screen.
2. Select a customer and process a SKU for transaction until you get to the payment screen (or process payment window). See: Making a detailed sale to get to that point.
3. At the payment screen, select Quotation.
4. Select Complete transaction to finalize the quotation.
**Quotations will expire after 30 days in your system. Quotes are not removed from the system when they expire. This option is meant for you to guarantee a price for a certain time period, after which time the quote in question would no longer be considered valid.**
Article written with AmberPOS version