Creating and Using Employee Sign-In Cards

1. Login to AmberPOS.


2. If your employee has not already been created, see the Adding New Employees article if you require more information. 


3. Hover over the Inventory image and select Print Labels from the drop down menu that appears. 



4. In the label generator window, select the Label Designer option. 



5. Overview of creating employee label:


      Step 1: Select the Create New Blank Label option. 

      Step 2: Enter a Label Name, this can be whatever you prefer. 

      Step 3: Select Create to finalize your changes. 


6. Setting up the barcode label: 


       Step 1: Select the Add Barcode option. 

       Step 2: Click anywhere in the white field to place the barcode. 

       Step 3: When the barcode is selected, you can edit its options to to your preferred settings. However, the Text field must be blank. (See Creating Labels for more details) 


7. Click anywhere in the white field to de-select the barcode. When you do, the general settings of the label will re-appear. In these settings you must set AllowManual to True



8. Save your label.




9. Return to the previous window and select Manual / Preview




10. In the barcode field, type in your username to login to AmberPOS, followed by the asterisk symbol, and then your password for Amber with no spaces in-between. 



11. Print the barcode. When scanned it should now automatically enter your username and password into the login field. 


Article written with AmberPOS version


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