Adding Leading Digit and Check Digit to Metrologic MS9540 Barcode Scanner

To add a Leading Digit and a Check Digit to a UPC-E barcode when scanning with a Metrologic MS9540, please scan the following Barcodes. Using the Metrologic MS9540 Manual PDF that is attached below. You will need to print out the page 2, 46 and 47 on a laser printer in order for this to work properly.


Please Scan the Barcodes in the order as shown below and please be careful not to scan any other barcodes.


Page 2 - Enter/Exit Configuration Mode ( This will enter the Configuration mode)

Page 46 – Transmit UPC-E Check Digit

Page 47 - Transmit Lead Zero on UPC-E

Page 2 - Enter/Exit Configuration Mode (This will exit the Configuration mode)


Now your scanner will scan all 8 digits of the UPC-E barcode.


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