Due to the recent decision to remove the penny from Canadian currency (official statement can be found here by the Canadian mint,) you can now remove the penny automatically from AmberPOS (for cash transactions) by completing the following steps:
1. Login to AmberPOS and access the Setup menu.
2. Overview of the General Settings Tab:
Step 1: Access the General Settings Tab.
Step 2: Select the General sub-tab.
Step 3: Scroll down the list of Payment Types and double click the Penny in the list.
(If the Penny option doesn't exist for you, then you must contact an AmberPOS representative to update your software to the latest version)
Step 4: Un-tick the checkbox beside the Hide option to disable the penny.
Step 5: Select the Update option to complete the penny removal process from AmberPOS.
3. Once the Penny function is unhidden, your new Process Payment window will display the Cash Round To: field that states the amount that the transaction will round the penny value to for cash transactions only.
Step 1: Manually type the amount stated in the Cash Round To: field into the cash field then press Enter on your keyboard.
Step 2: The difference between the original value and the rounded value of pennies will be displayed in the grayed Penny field.
Step 3: After entering the rounded amount into the cash field, you can Complete the Transaction.
Article written with AmberPOS version