How to manually change your default printer in Windows.
Step one:
Windows 8/10: Right click the windows button in the bottom left of your taskbarand click "control panel"
Windows 7: Click the start menu and then click "control panel" on the right
Step two: Select "devices and printers" from the control panel menu
Step three: Right-click the printer you would like to change to default and select "set as default printer"
How to turn off "allow windows to manage my default printer" in Windows 10.
If your invoices or reports look squished when viewing them in AmberPOS it could be that your default printer isn't set to a full-size printer in windows. This could be because Windows 10 has a setting on called "let Windows manage my default printer" which changes the default printer of your computer to the last printer you used. This article outlines how to turn this setting off and ensure that your default printer is a full-sized printer.
Step one: Click on the windows button in the bottom left of your computer screen.
Step two: The following box should pop up. Click on the "settings" button
Step three: Once you click settings, this box should pop up. Click "devices".
Step four: Near the bottom there's a switch called "let windows manage my default printer". Make sure that it is switched off.