Setup Default E-mail Message

While utilizing the e-mail features in AmberPOS the software will initiate an e-mail protocol to generate an new message in a local e-mail application (Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird).  When this occurs the message body of the newly created e-mail will be blank.  A template can be created that will define the message body for all new e-mailed generated.  Download the files listed below to your computer and then populate them in the AmberPOS software folder.





*** Make sure your file is saved ending in htm NOT html as this will not function properly. ***


Each template is titled to address different parts of the software where an e-mail may be generated.  The "emailtemplate_invoice.htm" file will populate its message template when an e-mail is generated for an invoice that is being sent to a customer.  The "emailtemplate_customers.htm" file will populate its message for e-mail targeted to initiate communication with a customer.  To populate these files in the AmberPOS software folder first open the windows file explorer to the following location.

32-bit:  C:\Program Files\Pacific Amber\AmberPOS

64-bit:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Pacific Amber\AmberPOS 

Once the files are pasted in this location you can modify the message the template itself.  If you double click on the files as they are currently it will open them in your web browser.  Instead open the files from a text editor such as notepad and you will see the message body itself


eg. (emailtemplate_customers.htm)



There is standard text in this file as well as tags.  The tags are enclosed by the "[ ]" square bracket characters.  Tags indicate which field of information about the customer will be populated in the message.  A list of tags for customers can be populated in either template is shown below.


 If you have both templates populated in AmberPOS (or templates by other titled names) you will be able to choose which template to use from the customer section of the software.



A example of the generated e-mail can be seen below.




 Article Updated with AmberPOS version


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