Create a Daily General Ledger File


The AmberPOS application will not create a daily general ledger file until at least one account number has been populated.  Please see the article HERE to learn about where in AmberPOS the chart of accounts are populated.


The daily general ledger file is produced when you save to post your store's Day End totals.  



Once saved, you can navigate to the AmberPOS software folder and you will see that there is a new folder created called 'GL_OUT'.


Locations Reference: C:\Program Files (x86)\Pacific Amber\AmberPOS\GL_OUT



It would be a good idea to create a shortcut to this file location so you can easily access it in the future.  In this folder you will find three different general ledger files, each formatted for different accounting applications.



The 'iif' file format is used for quickbooks accounting, while the 'txt' file format is used for sage accounting and the '.csv' file is used for peachtree.  Each file will have a name that includes the following.




The example above shows that a file has been generated for store location 1, in the year 2018 and for October 19th. The daily file will have this 'yyyymmdd' format in the file name.




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