Setup WebDAV with Bigcommerce



Step 1: Enabling WebDAV on big commerce


1. Log into the admin panel on your Bigcommerce site.  You can get there by following the link

You must login to the account with "Admin" privileges to make changes to your user settings, including enabling WebDAV.





2.  Once logged in, click on mceclip1.png




3.  Click on mceclip3.png and then select the action to edit a user account that is listed.




4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to where it says Enable WebDAV?


     Step 1. Check the "Yes, allow this user to use WebDav" box"

     Step 2. Select Save to complete the change.


**Make sure to click save at the bottom of the page before closing the browser. **


Step 2: Setting up WebDav in AmberPOS


Please contact an AmberPOS representative at our toll free number (1-866-919-0123) to upgrade your software.



  Fill in your WebDAV Username (e-mail you login to your bigcommerce with) and Password (found in the field below where you enable your webdav), and then the folder path which is the same as it is entered in the screenshot (\product_images\import).


 Troubleshooting options if WebDAV is not working:

- Create import folder on WEBDAV directory.

- Enable Desktop Experience windows feature on server machine

- Create a new BigCommerce user






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