You can find the 123Count application in the app drawer. Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to open the app drawer.
Navigate to the 123Count application and tap on it to run it. If you cannot find 123Count then you may need to install it first
The 123Count application has the following features.
1) Manually type or scan the barcode into the field.
2) If you manually typed an item code you click this button to confirm accepting the code.
3) This button will open the camera so you can capture the barcode with the camera instead of the scanner. This option doesn't scan as fast and may be affected be lighting and resolution.
4) Keyboard provided for manual code entry.
After you have successfully scanned an item code it will display the item with the options shown below.
5) Information about the scanned item will be displayed here.
6) The current quantity of the scanned item will be displayed here.
7) Adjust these buttons to increase or decrease the quantity of the item scanned.
8) Tap this button to remove the scanned item from the list.
When multiple items are scanned into the list you can scroll through them by swipping up or down the list. Tap on one of the entries recorded to adjust the quantity of that item in the list or to remove it from the list with the control features mentioned above.
If you would like to save the data scanned into an independent file on the scanner, you can click on the save icon.
The file will then be saved with a sequentially numerical name on the inventory scanner, like shown below.