Transfer Request

A transfer request is meant to request a transfer of inventory from one of your multi-store locations to another. Do not confuse this request with an In-Store Location transfer which is meant to transfer items between physical locations in one particular store.


1. Login to AmberPOS and access the Inventory menu.


2. Overview of Inventory menu:


      Step 1: Select the Transfers tab.

      Step 2: Select the Transfer Request tab.

      Step 3: Select the New Request option.


3. Overview of Transfer Request menu:


      Step 1: Select the store to transfer quantity from.

      Step 2: Use the Quick Add feature to quickly add SKU(s) for transfer, then select Add Item.

      Step 3: The Scanner / file option may be used to transfer a SKU list from a scanner.

      Step 4: Select Save / Close Request to finalize your changes. 


4.  Once the request as been processed, the next step will be to finalize the transfer by receiving the items into your inventory. Login to the store that you previously selected to transfer request be sent to, and access the inventory menu again.


5. Overview of Inventory menu:


      Step 1: Select the Transfers tab.

      Step 2: Select the Transfer In tab.

      Step 3: Select the Transfer Request that you created earlier.

      Step 4: Select the Full Transfer In option.


6. Select OK in the window that appears, all changes will be final and non-reversible.




 Article written with AmberPOS version



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