Special Attributes: NO PRICE

The "No Price" attribute, when added to a SKU, will tell the system that the SKU has no price associated with it, and will allow you to add the item to a transaction without a prompt asking you to type in a price.


1. Create a new SKU attribute (see: Adding New Attributes) with the name "NO PRICE" (in all capitals), and the "CheckBox" format.


Close up of attribute setup window



2. Now if you create a new SKU (see: Adding a New SKU) you can check the "NO PRICE" box under the SKU's attributes section. Now you can add this SKU to a transaction without a window asking you to set a price.


       Step 1: Select the SKU that you wish to apply the No Price attribute to.

       Step 2: Select to check off and enable the QOH=0 field.

       Step 3: Select to check off and enable the NO PRICE attribute.

       Step 4: Select Save to finalize the changes.




Article written with AmberPOS version


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