Creating a Monthly General Ledger

*****if you are using Peachtree Accounting please refer to the steps in the following article before creating a general ledger: Setting Date Format for Peachtree Accounting**

To create a monthly general ledger file for importing into your accounting software, access the Day End menu.


Then, from the day end window, you will see a button at the bottom of the screen labelled "Create GL <month>" with the previous month listed. For example, if the current month is January, then the button will display as: create_GL_dec.png. Selecting this button will export a general ledger for the month listed to a file for your accounting software.


The date in the screenshot is  March 25, therefore the Create GL button will create a ledger for the previous February.



You can also manually change the date of your day end screen in order to upload a general ledger from a previous month.


The date has now been changed to February 25, so the Create GL button will now create a ledger for January.


Your ledger will be exported to a file located by default in your C:\Program Files (x86)\Pacific Amber\AmberPOS\GL_OUT  folder, which can be imported into your accounting software.


//NOTE: If you forget to populate an account you may get an error when attempting to import the file.  You can open the Text (.txt) or Excel(.csv) format of the file produced to the date to review the results.


The result will identify the name of the account that is missing an account number.




Related Links:

-Importing General Ledger Information into Peachtree Accounting

-Importing General Ledger Information into Simply Accounting


Revised 25/03/2014


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