This article will describe how to setup a Tare feature so that you can offset the weight of a container when weighing products for sale.
1. Weight Scale Setup
First make sure you have your weight scale connected and setup as detailed in the article HERE.
2. QL Button Setup
The Tare feature will only work when prompt from a QL button. Details on how to create a QL(QuickLaunch) button can be found HERE.
In the action field populate a QL button with the action containing: {Tare}
3. Utilization
When you click on this button AmberPOS will register the current weight and subtract that weight amount from the quantity of items that are added to the transaction screen.
If you click this QL button again it will ask you if you want to remove the current Tare value.
Once you've set the Tare weight you can add items to a transaction and the item quantity registered by the scale will subtract the Tare weight (measured weight - Tare weight = item weight).
NOTE: The Tare value doesn't carry over between transactions. The Tare will reset to zero for each new transaction.
You can also create QL buttons that pre-set the Tare weight to a specified value. For these buttons you add a decimal value after the action as shown below.
This will ask you to put an item on the scale to set the current tare weight
This will use .5 lbs or .5kg as a preset tare weight
This will remove a tare weight of .100 from total weight and add the item 1640 into the POS.
Article Updated with AmberPOS version