Setting Up a Webstore: Complete Step-by-Step Webstore Setup and User Guide GUI 1.0 Only - Deprecated

 ** Click Here for Bigcommerce Webstore Service Status Check **

1. First setup your account with Bigcommerce.

Step 1. Setting Up an Account and eStore with Bigcommerce and Bigcommerce Price Structure Comparison


2. Acquire the webstore access information to put into your AmberPOS Webstore attributes.

Step 2. Adjust your Websync Configurations.


3. Upload the SKU(s) from your local AmberPOS inventory to your webstore.

Step 3. Uploading SKUs to a Web Store Individually or Mass-Upload


4. Understand the webstore SKU layout: An overview with description of an uploaded webstore SKU.

Step 4. Overview of the Webstore SKU Menu


5. Set up the categories (similar to departments in your local AmberPOS) for your webstore SKU(s).

Step 5. Setting Up Categories (departments) for a Webstore SKU


6. Edit your uploaded webstore SKU(s).

Step 6. Editing Webstore SKUs (Add Image, Change Description, etc.)


7. Change the properties of your webstore SKU.

Step 7. Viewing/Changing Your Webstore SKU Properties (Price, Weight, Quantity, etc.)


8. **Optional** If there is more than one local variation for a SKU in AmberPOS, then you can edit the properties of particular variations for SKU(s).

Step 8. Editing Item Variations for a Webstore SKU

9. Setting up your time zone on BigCommerce to sync up transaction time/date with your local store.


Step 9. **Important** Setting Up your BigCommerce Time Zone


10. Import and sync all of the transactions on your webstore to your local AmberPOS.

Step 10. Importing Webstore Transactions to AmberPOS



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